Monday 27 September 2010

When Channel UK Grime Spoke To OG's Stormer

CUKG: Introduce Yourself For Those Who Don’t Know You...
Stormer: I'm stormer from the south London collective OGs

CUKG: At What Age Did You Start Music?
:Stormer: I started music when I was 16, but started taking it serious when I was made a part of OGs at the end of 06 start of 07

CUKG: Now Your In A Collective Called 'OG's' How Did That Come About?
Stormer: I'm always asked this question, I've been about from day. I knew N.E (R.I.P) before I knew the rest of the mandem, what's funny was is N.E never knew I mc'ed I was kind of intimidated back in the day, but one of my cousins showed him couple tunes of me an a few sets I had done, an N.E laughed at the fact I never told him, the next time he saw me, he told me about his plans, an wanted to recruit me an here I am now.

CUKG: I’ve Seen On Twitter, You've Been Having A lot Of Studio Time, What Projects Have You Got Coming Out?
Stormer: I'm now fully focused an working on a mixtape,videos etc, plus I have a lot of features in the pipeline with a lot of other musicians, but to be honest I don't want to talk to much, when it happens it happens, take things 1 step at a time you get me.

CUKG: How Did The Name 'Stormer' Come About?
Stormer: I got the name stormer from my mom an grandma, I used to mood swing a lot an my mom used to say " oh no here go another storm is comin" looool as I got older I clocked their was a lot of mc storms or dj storms etc,so I added the (E.R) an I came with stormer, but ye mom an grandma made the base of the name.

CUKG: Who Would You Like To Work With The Most Producer/Singer/Artist In The Scene Atm?
Stormer: To be honest I haven't really thought about it, everything I need an everyone like working with Is around me, but if I had 1 choice I would like to work with sukh knight, sadie ama ;) an j2k. But right now I need to focus on me.

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