Thursday 23 September 2010

When Channel UK Grime Spoke To Young Grime Artist Halo

CUKG: Introduce Yourself For People Who Don’t Know Who You Are...
Halo: Basically.. I’m a 15 year old grimekid that goes by the stage name of 'Halo'

CUKG: At What Age Did You Decided You Wanted To Do Music?
Halo: I actually first started music, well writing bars was when I was 12. By the time I got to the age of 13 when I actually wanted to take it serious.

CUKG: Answer This Honestly: Ghetts Or P-Money?
Halo: Laughs I’ve argued with the mandem about this one.. Ghetts by far. for many reasons.

What Projects Have You Got Coming & Who Are You Working With Artist/Producer Wise?
Halo: First project is the promo '#INeverClaimedToHaveAHalo' which should be out this weekend hopefully Sunday 26/9/2010. I only have 2 features on the promo.. From Lee Brasco & Dot Rotten.. But the promo is something I’ve quickly cooked up the mixtape is what’s to look out for

CUKG: Who Has Helped You Most In This Music Business?
Halo: Most? myself to be honest lol but generally there’s been people that’s helped me out which I respect.

CUKG: Who Would You Like To Work With Artist/Producer/Singer Etc.. & Why?
Halo: Artist wise Ghetts, Producer hmm probably Wizzy Wow, Singer wise would probably have to be Tashan Moss I’ve heard a few things from him his hard still. #nohomo.

Halo's Twitter

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